Thursday 23 February 2012

My Take on the March 1st List

So, my lovely reading people of who read this writing that I write, y'all good?
I going to take this opportunity opportunity to thank you all for your support and comments on my articles, it's all been great and I will gladly continue writing until I receive no more support and even at that, I'll probably still write because I like what I do.
Now onto the bad stuff, the dreaded March 1st Yu-Gi-Oh! Limited and Forbidden list. Just to refresh your memories on this, if you have stopped having nightmares about it, here it is;
. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

. Trap Dustshoot

. Spore

. Glow up Bulb

. The Agent of Mystery- Earth

. T.G. Striker

. Marshmallon

. Level Limit Area B

. Emergency Teleport

. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

. Shien's Smoke Signal

. Torrenital Tribute

. Reborn Tengu

. Ultimate Offering

No Longer Limited; 
. Call of the Haunted

People who say they will quit because of this list, they wont and they know they wont because you can't. You just can't. After you have a little bitch fit you'll settle down and continue to play. So the quicker you do that, the better.

But before this rant continues, people must understand this, Konami has no part to play in the secondary market or the prices of our cards, so yes the ban list does mean this game is expensive but they are a business and this game leads to huge profits. I want this article to be as fair as possible but I will express my views as I normally would regardless.
I will start by taking each card in turn and explain why in some form of logic why the cards got moved around the this in the manner that they did.

Trishula--> This card <3. This card is game changing, as you can tell if you have played this game for any decent amount of time. People who say this card is a 3 for 1 are very wrong. If you think about it, what ways did you make Trish? One for one discarding dandylion then Debris dragon. So many tokens plus the tuner in your grave after you make a formula synchron and draw a card. So you net so much advantage from  making the Trish AND this is BEFORE Trish actually resolves, which can banish your opponents Plague, Necro Guardna, Dandylion, 4th Lightsworn monster, Hornet, Wind-up Hunter etc, etc. So in fairness, this card was not balanced in the previous format, but coming into this format when the usefulness of danylion and one for one have pretty much gone, I see little point in Banning Trish seeing. For a marketing point of view for Konami, Banning the the best synchro in the game forces people to start using XYZ monsters. This is NOT going to make MIST WURM rise in price because you have to start becoming more XYZ focused.

Trap Dustshoot---> I like this card, every Yu-Gi-Oh player likes this card... when they get to use it, not have it used against them. This card was stupidly one sided and gave the user so much advantage, it was basically one card and if you could resolve it you basically got to cheat. The odd time you didn't hit anything with dustshoot was so slim that it was worth taking the risk in order to run the card. Going first and opening with this turn 1 was possibly the strongest opening play in the game. The only thing that made this card better  was the possibility of your opponent blind Mystical Space Typhoon-ing it then you chaining it meaning its a 2 for 1. Silly card, hard to believe that this card was once at 3.

Spore ---> I found this part of the plant engine to be the less broken of the two tuner's as a general card, just because it has more attack and defence than Glow up Bulb doesn't make it better. Spore was reliant on there being another plant in your grave, obviously that being lonefire blossom the majority of the time and so it could be a level 1, 2 or 4 tuner in most cases. This obviously made it good but banning it, really? I don't see the need, I don't remember the last time some one used a spore effectively against me. In any case Spore was easily stopped by cards like Book of Moon and enemy controller. In most cases if you were using Spore then you were playing plants, by banishing a plant you are leaving yourself vulnerable to a Leviair play against you. So all in all, a poor choice.

Glow-up Bulb ---> About Fucking time. I have called for this card to be banned for so long. This was possibly the best tuner in the game. Unlike Spore, it had no requirement in order to be used apart for having a card in your deck, I mean at what time do you not have a card in your deck? And it's a level 1 tuner meaning it was another option for your One for One plays. Ok, so you can mill your power cards lie Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, But we all played Lightsworn in which you milled like 8 cards in a turn. So milling 1 is no big deal. Anyways, plain and simple this card was very good and so its a very long over due good-bye little plant.

Limited to 1
The Agent of Mystery- Earth--> This card was causing havoc all over the Japanese Meta BEFORE the realise of Inzektors, Wind-up's and Rabbit and even after that it was still a deck. Agents have the ability to summon Big Monsters in due course of playing their game. So after expending your resources getting rid of a turn 1 or 2 Gachi, you then have to handle a Zenmaines or a Hyperion and after that a Kristiya or a Black Luster Soldier. So the onslaught is endless with the deck and all that can happen with so little resource expenditure for the Agent Player. Earth was also a tuner, making it even more ridiculous. All those Stratos-y type effects should be limited to one for example, ROTA and Stratos, they are too good and so need hit, and finally Earth is in it's place.

T.G. Striker--->  This Guy was like a mini cyber dragon who is also a tuner. You know the play, Stiker, Warwolf, Rhino--> Trish---> GG. Striker was also a key part of the T. G. Agent decks in Japan and so now its gone, not much more to say on that.

Semi-Limited to 2

Marshmallon-->  Here you go stallers and time waster's who like to win games in the slyest was possible. You now have 2 Marshmallon and 3 Reapers. What more do you want? In my opinion, however you may not agree, this is a reason that Book of Moon isn't at 2 in this list. I like book of moon, not Marshmallon. Probably Konami Logic to combat the amount of abuse they will get about not hitting Dino-Rabbit.dek.

Level Limit Area B---> Same as above, time waster's and stallers. Triple Typhoon format. Never sees play. No point. That's about it.

Emergency Teleport---> I like this card, as Robbie Kohl would say " TeleGaget Format". A format with teleport at 2 will not see the return of Tele-DAD so don't worry. Its a fun card be I seriously doubt it'll have much of an impact on the Game but I'm thinking of using it again so keep your peeled for a fun deck corner on my youtube.

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner--> Lumina, Lumina, Lumina. How I have missed you so. I loved the Lightsworn deck. This is not going to bring the deck back to the good old days. In fact it won't do much Lightsworns only benefited from multiple copies of Lumina when it was a pure Lightsworn build, but no-one runs that's any more. It's all Twilight (no gay vampire reference), or Chaos-Sworn. So multiple Lumina isn't going to raise Lightsworn back from the dead. Looking at it realistically, this move have no marketing Value for Konami and has no impact in the meta, this won't help defeat the top 3 decks.

Ultimate Offering---> Down from 3. No impact at 3. No impact at 2. Simples

Shien's Smoke Signal---> Me personally, I love this. I love Samurai's. Great deck and this gives it a much needed boost and at a lovely time when it starts to gain favour again. Cannot wait for this. It will have a bigger impact than the rest of the stuff going to 2, asides from maybe torrential tribute. Be prepared to see more of this. Make a Shi en, set 3/4 to the backrow, pass. =)

Torrential Tribute--->  This Card started to lose favour with players playing Dino rabbit and Wind-up's especially because they didn't want to lose field presence once they set up. It's certainly an interesting choice, normally I would check my opponents graveyard for outs these being;
Mirror Force
Dark Hole
With TT at 2 player's will have to be more careful when playing out their cards and their big plays. Will Starlight Road see more play? Only time will tell. Having 2 TT will be able to punish bad players. Once the format settles and players start getting used to it, it will be easy to play around.

Reborn Tengu---> This is possibly the strangest card on the list in my opinion. It's one of the only cards in the TCG meta that has that being limited without being in the OCG meta, that last example that springs to mind is Allure of Darkness, and we all know that was during the Dark Armed Return Format (silly format). Silly Reborn Tengu needed limit, at 1 it would be completely useless. At 2 it's usable but no-where near as powerful as it was. No more herp derp plays with plant combos.

Unlimited to 3

Call of the Haunted---> Didn't see any play at play, maybe in Inzektors only but triple call is pretty poor, no deck has room to play 3 call of the haunted's anyways. There are better cards in my opinion.  

To summarise
In the Player's view, the list is grim and we all agree with that but you also have to see it for a business perspective. Also the fact that the list is based on the OCG meta.
We all know in the next ban list, all the stuff we wanted to get hit will get hit then, will it be relevant at that point? Who knows?
Knomai Care so little about the players, once you realise that the sooner you will understand the banlist, they do want to make money for selling stock to hobby shops. But you have to realise that this is a business, and businesses are there to make money. Simple Logic.
Konami made this list because of the OCG meta, well that' how they should make it, but at some point they will have realize that here in the TCG we have a completely different game than that of the OCG. Here is a clear example    OCG
I mean c'mon, what White man in the TCG have you seen shuffle like that. TEHE!

But if you seriously think that this is the real banlist you are very wrong---> this is the actual list EXCLUSIVE to the TCG metagame

Hope you Enjoyed this article guys Give me feedback and what you what me write about/ Do videos on. Until next time


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